公民監督國會聯盟執行長何宗勳(左)、副執行長高茹萍(中)及台灣和平草根聯盟執行長陳建甫(右)昨日召開記者會,針對這個會期立法院的表現作出評比,並選出「黑」這個字作為二○○八年立法院的代表字。 (記者王敏為攝)
▓Watchdog criticizes legislature for delayed review
By Loa Iok-sin
Thursday, Jan 15, 2009, Page 3
Standing behind a 21cm stack of more than 2,000 legislative proposals weighing 15kg, Citizen Congress Watch (CCW) executive director Ho Tsung-hsun (何宗勳) criticized the legislature yesterday for delaying review of the proposals until the last three days of this legislative session.
“Suppose the lawmakers take exactly 10 minutes to review each proposal in this pile of papers in front of me. It would take them 19 sleepless days to finish reviewing all of them, but they’re trying to do it within three days” Ho said at a news conference at the group’s office yesterday.
While the legislature had close to five months between the start of the session in September and the end of the session on Tuesday to review bills and central government budgets for the next fiscal year, it waited until the last three days to begin the process.
“[The lawmakers] are certainly inefficient, unprofessional and lazy,” Ho said.
Chen Chien-fu (陳建甫), a CCW board member, accused the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) of not serving as a watchdog for the public.
“With an absolute majority, the KMT passes everything that the government proposes — this is not what their job is about,” Chen said. “As lawmakers belonging to the ruling party, they should be very careful about proposals and bills submitted by the government.”
Ho, on the other hand, thinks that the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) is not working hard enough as opposition.
“The DPP is a minority, but this is no excuse,” Ho said at the news conference. “If they went after inappropriate legislative proposals like they did [former KMT legislator] Diane Lee’s [李慶安] dual citizenship case, things would have been a lot better, and they would have won applause from the public.”