【黃世麒/攝】台灣環境保護聯盟26日前往位於北縣貢寮鄉,正在興建的核四廠現址前,成員們在身上書寫「堅決反對核四」、「NO NUKE」字樣,重點部位貼上反核標誌,反對核四復工及不當追加預算等訴求。
文■陳朝政 圖■黃世麒
下午2點50分,手持警棍的員警對講機,傳來「環保聯盟到了售票口,正在買票」,接著是既不避諱、也毫不躲藏的隊伍慢慢走近彩虹橋。「反核救台灣」、「裸體無罪」,領頭的是高舉環盟會旗的環保義工,20位腰繫布條的「彩繪人體藝術家」,由口號與鳴笛聲擁護著,準備輕輕躺在沙灘上,排成「No Nuke」的字形。
.Better nude than nuclear
Naked protesters shout slogans in front of the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant in Gongliao, Taipei County, yesterday, demanding that the government cease construction of the plant. About 30 demonstrators including students, workers, teachers and artists took part in the protest.
.Anti-nuclear group stages nude protest
2006/6/27 The China Post staff
A group of environmental protection activists bared themselves near the construction site of the fourth nuclear power plant and the Fulung Beach, near Keelung in northern Taiwan yesterday to highlight their opposition to the nuclear power facilities on the island.
Nineteen people, including one woman and a couple of university professors, staged the first ever public nude protest in Taiwan by lying on the ground to form "No Nuke" in English letters.
The large number of policemen sent to the scene did not disperse them away mainly because the protesters did not break the law by totally exhibiting themselves.
The 31-year-old woman covered her body with a cloth and all men camouflaged their private parts.
The protesters, members of the Taiwan Environmental Protecting Union (TEPU), said the group staged the event to convey the ideas of opposing the nuclear power plant and saving Fulung beach, which they said has been eroding due to a nearby wharf that has been constructed to take delivery of heavy equipment destined for the nuclear power plant.
They stressed the event is in line with the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) government's "nuclear-free homeland" policy to rid Taiwan of all nuclear electricity facilities, urged all people to conduct discussion of the nation's energy policies in a rational fashion.
They explained that studies by specialists from the Environmental Protection Administration as well as National Taiwan University and National Chengkung University concluded that the new nuclear power plant has no impact on the environmental changes in the area.
The reduced amount of sand at the mouth of the river at the coast and the gradual erosion of certain areas on the coast were caused by the seasonal winds and the global warming phenomenon rather than by the construction of the power plant, the said.
They added that the advanced nuclear reactor installed at the plant belongs the same model as two installed in Tokyo a few years earlier. Both have been running smoothly.
The two reactors at the nuclear power plant will supply 18.8 kilowatt-hours of electricity per year for people and enterprises in northern Taiwan.
The nuclear power plant can also reduce emissions of carbon dioxide, they added.